Tree planting can be a suitable recognition for many reasons: memory of a loved one, birth of a child, special anniversary, or recognition of service, for example. Our tree program has two options.

    Please select an option:

    Option 1: Honorary Tree Program

    The Honorary Tree program allows a new tree to be planted on approved public property. The honoree’s name is then documented on the honorary tree listing in our kiosk located at East Side Lake.
    Minimum Honorary tree donation $150*
    (Spruce Trees $200)

    Option 2: Tree Trek Adoption Program
    The Tree Trek Adoption program allows the adoption of an existing tree along the SUA Tree Trek, a three quarter mile walkway along East Side lake. The honoree’s name is noted on signage next to the tree.
    Minimum Tree Trek donation $50
    (Entire Tree $250)

    All donations payable to Spruce Up Austin are tax deductible 501(c)(3) Minimum donations above

    *A portion of your donation will go to SUA to help defer the cost of ongoing maintenance